Draft Hangover…

We completed our first ever draft (as opposed to an auction) for the Ezra Stiles Rotisserie Association’s NBA league. After starting piecemeal early in the day, we all got on a conference call at 7:00 PM EST to get things moving. Well, most of us (one owner was heading to an airport and called in… Continue reading Draft Hangover…


My long-time NBA league, the Ezra Stiles Rotisserie Association, is having its first ever actual draft tomorrow night. Oh, we do a full draft every season. At least we talk about “when is the draft”, or “see you at the draft”, or whatnot. But since its founding in 1988, the league has always used an… Continue reading Blasphemy!

Monkeying Around With Projections

Tom Tango has tossed out the Marcel “Monkey” system to project baseball statistics, and he also has in recent years hosted a forecasters’ challenge, which compares projections  from professional forecasters with each other as well as with Marcel. Tango describes Marcel as “the most basic forecasting system you can have, that uses as little intelligence… Continue reading Monkeying Around With Projections

Innings Requirement Penalties

Many rotisserie-scoring baseball leagues, especially in the 4×4 format, use an innings requirement. To discourage reliever-only strategies, which can make it easier to post low ERA and WHIP numbers, teams must reach a given number of innings (based on roster size) to qualify for points in those categories at the end of the season. Usually… Continue reading Innings Requirement Penalties

2011 RotoValue Top NL Pitchers 5×5

Today I’m discussing the top 30 NL pitchers in a 10-team 5×5 league ranked by RotoValue, using their 2011 stats. I’m assuming a $260 salary cap for 23 active players (including 10 pitchers) and a 4 person reserve bench. Previously I’ve reviewed catchers, outfielders, middle infielders, and corner infielders. Without further ado, the top 30… Continue reading 2011 RotoValue Top NL Pitchers 5×5

2011 RotoValue NL Top Catchers 5×5

Today I’m reviewing the NL’s top 20 catchers in a 5×5 league, assuming 10 teams, 23 active players (2 catchers,  3 middle, 3 corner, 5 OF, 10 pitchers) and a 4 person bench purchased with a $260 salary cap. I’d previously reviewed top outfielders, middle infielders, and corner infielders. The list I’m showing this time… Continue reading 2011 RotoValue NL Top Catchers 5×5

Categorized as NL

2011 RotoValue NL Top Outfielders 5×5

Continuing the series of top NL performers in 5×5 leagues by position, today I’m showing the top outfielders. Previously I’ve discussed the top middle infielders and the top corner infielders. As before, I’m assuming a 10 team league, $260 salary cap, and an active roster of 23 players (2 catchers, 3 middle infielders, 3 corner… Continue reading 2011 RotoValue NL Top Outfielders 5×5