Fighting the Last War

This week’s Riddler at FiveThirtyEight reruns a puzzle initially run back in February. The game is a “war” between two warlords fighting over 10 castles. Each warlord has 100 soldiers, and the 10 castles are worth from 1 to 10 points each. If you send more soldiers to a given castle than your opponent, you win it… Continue reading Fighting the Last War

Inferring Conditional Probability from the FiveThirtyEight NCAA Model

Nate Silver is live with his new FiveThirtyEight, and it being the start of the tournament, I looked at their model for help in filling out my own bracket. It’s quite a slick presentation, and you can see the probabilities of any team reaching any stage of the tournament. That’s all good! From that page,… Continue reading Inferring Conditional Probability from the FiveThirtyEight NCAA Model

Less is More

I’ve given up trying to keep track of the daily moves for the Going 9 AL-only league at my site, but I am at least trying to track who is owned/unowned there. And I noticed that when I loaded the LeagueHome page, it would first show the standings, pause for what seemed like about a… Continue reading Less is More

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