2013 Projection Systems Review: wOBA

In each of the past two years, I’ve compared different baseball projections systems by looking at aggregate errors. In 2013, I had access to these projection systems:

Like last year, I’m computing standard deviation, mean average error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) for each source.
This table includes only those players projected by all five systems who played in 2012 also.

Source Num Avg wOBA MAE RMSE
Actual 410 0.3272 0.0000 0.0000
Steamer/Razzball 410 0.3342 0.0245 0.0323
Consensus 410 0.3363 0.0251 0.0333
CAIRO 410 0.3363 0.0255 0.0336
Marcel 410 0.3401 0.0260 0.0344
RotoValue 410 0.3329 0.0263 0.0351
MORPS 410 0.3410 0.0265 0.0351
y2012 410 0.3357 0.0325 0.0445

The spread in errors for the projection systems is small, and all systems do much better than using 2012 numbers. Steamer/Razzball had the lowest overall errors, while MORPS and my updated RotoValue model had almost identical errors, just behind Marcel. The simple average consensus ranked second best, just ahead of CAIRO.
Below is a more detailed table, showing averages for all the players a system projects. Num is the total number of players, the first wOBA column is the cumulative wOBA of all those players. MLB is the number of projected players who actually had a plate appearance in 2013, and the second wOBA is the cumulative wOBA of those players. For that set, I again computed RMSE and MAE, and sorted by the former.

Source Num wOBA MLB wOBA StdDev MAE RMSE
Actual 634 0.3236 634 0.3236 0.0439 0.0000 0.0000
Steamer/Razzball 504 0.3357 471 0.3333 0.0260 0.0250 0.0334
CAIRO 507 0.3363 456 0.3356 0.0264 0.0257 0.0340
Consensus 786 0.3322 554 0.3343 0.0244 0.0262 0.0355
MORPS 539 0.3367 470 0.3406 0.0262 0.0268 0.0359
Marcel 750 0.3306 529 0.3386 0.0241 0.0266 0.0361
RotoValue 751 0.3293 529 0.3310 0.0287 0.0274 0.0387
y2012 611 0.3298 505 0.3307 0.0507 0.0359 0.0524

Steamer again had the lowest errors, but MORPS moves a little ahead of my system, and into a vitual tie with Marcel, while CAIRO now ranks a little ahead of the Consensus, perhaps because I compute a consensus from whatever sources I had available, which often was just Marcel and my own RotoValue system, two which had somewhat higher overall errors. The errors from the projections are not quite as bunched together as before, but are still close (and all much lower than the errors using 2012 data). It’s interesting that aside from the consensus, the ordering of lowest errors is almost the same as the ordering of projecting the fewest players.
Finally, in this last table I’m averaging in any player not projected by a system to use that system’s league average wOBA minus 0.020.

Source Num wOBA MLB wOBA StdDev MAE RMSE Missing
Actual 634 0.3236 634 0.3236 0.0439 0.0000 0.0000 0
Steamer/Razzball 504 0.3357 634 0.3319 0.0254 0.0261 0.0357 163
CAIRO 507 0.3363 634 0.3337 0.0257 0.0269 0.0364 178
Consensus 786 0.3322 634 0.3333 0.0243 0.0267 0.0364 80
Marcel 750 0.3306 634 0.3367 0.0243 0.0273 0.0373 105
MORPS 539 0.3367 634 0.3384 0.0259 0.0277 0.0378 164
RotoValue 751 0.3293 634 0.3295 0.0282 0.0279 0.0396 105
y2012 611 0.3298 634 0.3289 0.0489 0.0361 0.0522 129

Each system has lower higher average errors now, although the ones that projected fewer players tended to see their errors drop a little more. The big picture stays basically the same, though: all the projections are much better than 2012, Steamer performed the best, followed by CAIRO, and they all are still pretty close to each other, with a spread of just under 0.004 in RMSE between Steamer and RotoValue, the best and worst ranked projection systems.
Next I’ll perform similar analysis on pitching projections.
Update January 31 2014 Two points:
1. In computing the errors I’ve bias-adjusted each source. So if an exogenous event changes the overall run environment (say, unusually mild weather, a changed strike zone, a somewhat different ball, or some other factor), the systems are not judged primarily on how well they guessed the new run environment. Effectively I first compute a delta of each player’s wOBA relative to the average of that projection (or Actual), and then compare those deltas. So adding any arbitrary constant to all projections has no effect whatsoever on my reported errors.
2. While running my program for pitching stats, I noticed a bug which affected the second and third tables in this chart. Some players, for whom my database did not have an MLBAM ID, were excluded from the averages. None of the players projected by all systems were affected, and the relative order of systems remained the same. But the exact numbers have changed slightly.
Update 7 February 2014: I found a bug in the program that generated the last table, so after fixing that I’ve replaced the table above and adjusted some of the commentary in light of the corrected data.